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Romantic Comedy

Distant Spring

Get ready for an emotional rollercoaster ride with “Distant Spring,” a heart-wrenching novel about the power of love and the struggles of moving on.

When Charlotte (Lottie) Stephens’ Air Force pilot husband, David, informs her that he will be moving on to his next duty station with his new lover, she struggles to move on with her life. However, with the help of Grant Ryan, a new substitute teacher and firefighter, Lottie learns that love blooms anew in the season of second chances.

As Lottie and Grant’s relationship develops, David returns, leaving Lottie with a difficult decision to make. Will she choose to repair her relationship with David, or take a chance on a new love with Grant? With the power of forgiveness and the complexities of love at the forefront, “Distant Spring” is a perfect read for fans of romance novels.

Join Lottie and Grant on their journey as they navigate the ups and downs of love, and discover that a distant spring of happiness is possible when you trust your heart.

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$12.24 Paperback


Distant Spring

This is a love story between two people whose past relationships have caused hurt and how they overcome that hurt and start with someone new. It is a romance but offers many more themes regarding familial relationships, friendships, coping with loss, letting the bad past go, and moving on. The story is funny, lighthearted, deep, and rich in emotions, feelings, and thoughts. The friendship between Beth and Lottie and the relationship between Grant and his grandma are heartwarming. Showing us a wide range of characters and their different personalities, the writing is simple, and the dialogues are written how people speak in everyday life. Our main characters are good people but flawed in a way, as all humans are. They don’t make the wisest decisions which leads to regret and dissatisfaction, but they learn from it. I recommend Distant Spring by E.N. Beck to those who love romance and heartfelt stories.

Manik Chaturmutha

Readers' Favorite

Fun, well-written romance that you’ll breeze through! E.N. Beck has a way of taking you through this small town and making you feel like you belong. The story follows Charlotte, more affectionately known as Lottie; she is trying to get it together because her ex left her high and dry. In walks Grant and sparks begin to fly! If you love a real look at women, their insecurities, their beauty, and triumphs this is definitely for you. Plus, there are cute dogs, what could be better?


Amazon Review

If you’re a fan of romance novels, Distant Spring is a worthwhile read. It’s a story that reminds us that love can bloom anew, even in the most challenging of circumstances. I felt an instant connection with Charlotte, or Lottie, as she grapples with the heartbreak of her husband’s betrayal. But it’s the arrival of Grant Ryan that adds a glimmer of hope to her life. The way their relationship unfolds is nothing short of magical, and I found myself rooting for them all the way.

Ashley G.

Amazon Review